Out in the middle of Maud, where, 2 weeks ago, there was ice. Water milky rather sludgy emerald and a balmy 8 degrees. Kevvo0 back in charge – his stainless brain the size of a planet is not fussed by magnetic anomalies.
We've been astonishingly lucky so far with both wind and ice but that may be about to change. If it does, the level of risk increases daily that we will not be able to cross the 25 mile stretch of ice in Franklin that may be all that is stopping us from getting through. And if that happens, we have to get back to somewhere safe before the sea starts to freeze again and the temperature to plummet. In that case we would try to get back to CB with Gjoa Haven as a last resort. Lots of factors – for instance, we can possibly lift Berri out of the water in CB.
We're not short of advice – I am talking on the radio twice daily with Peter Semotiuk in CB – legendary sailor and helper of yachts in the NWP – and with Amodino, Arctic Wanderer and Tyhina, who is in Resolute and heading west. Also talking once a day with Pat Hahn in Nome on the satphone to get his take on things.
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