0003hrs 18 May 2005 UTC 27’48”N 034’31”W Map Ref 226 5554nm (1897nm to Falmouth)
[ed: Alex’s description of current problems] all systems off for 2 hrs this am investigating hf big double un/repack again. followed marty’s instructions except ?no circuit breaker?if so where – 802 direct connect 2 battery?? no joy but found negative bus badly corroded and fixed. even dismounted m802 box f’m bulkhd (try it sometime with boat corkscrewing 10 ft.) removed cover and inner cover 2 check 5 amp fuse (and no spare fuse attached as instructions say there is). 20 tiny screws fiendishly diff 2 access and esp replace but managed sans dropping one.
amzg. all reassembled and still no power. spbf very difficult enterprise and no real result ) had double consultation with the doctor to recognise heroic failure. cd be combo of equipt. failure and dud power switch else stumped. failure seemed catastrophic – no warning, total instant loss of power while transmitting.. wil have 2 wait til fmth.
so have decided hang expense and will continu (shorter) udates via satcom – this one about s15+ to send – pse buy lots of shirts, everyone – fenwick and isabella organising and should be arvailable soon – we’ll need some support by the time we get to the start line in sydney. malcolm will send your emails to us as system allows and may have to sumarise to reduce cost. don’t stop sending – we need youse and only a few days to go and all y’all can have a drink with us.
aiming for middle of azores – 30 kts from e and lifting us a bit. 766 to az so 6 days approx then 10 to fmth agw. egc says nasty low forming to west – bloody promethea again – will really enjoy consulting with her when we eventually get there. hard examiners are best. now at 25k in marathon. headbang just beginning. baboon bott glowing. nearly time to meet boot ferals again – noticeably cooler at night and dry feet a good idea.