0500hrs 02 Nov 2005 UTC 39’31”S 033’26”E Ref 512
Juddy suggested we should turn off the instruments. I had an initial scoff and then thought, no, the man is quite right. I have got so used to all these goodies that I have begun to take them for granted but there’s a perfectly good GPS that runs at less than half an amp and keeping the laptop off but charging adds another 0.2 or so. So, that’s what we are doing. I will write as many of these as I can during the day and do 1 or 2 transmissions when propagation is good. Steve, please keep up what you are sending and monitor for a couple of days to see how we go. good prop at all times except 0800 – 1400 gmt.
No DB for the time being – all y’all can work it out from the positions. Solar p, even under cloud gives nearly 0.5 amp.
So – here goes.