2100hrs 12 Oct 2005 UTC 37’41”S 007’33”W Ref 436
We now have a copy of the Times article. That Ed Gorman must have a mind like mine, poor bastard. My deepest sympathy. But it’s going to be a hard act to follow. How the hell am I going to be able to go on churning out this codswallop for another two months in imitation of myself? Can’t be done. But We Shall Overcome – just have to forget I read it. And who wrote that Big Wave headline? Groan. Could’a been me. Thanks Ed.
The Times (UK) – 11 Oct 2005: Two codgers and a boat: marriage made in yachtsmen’s heaven
I’m amazed by the number of people who have stuck up their hands after my VoA gig and said that they have the same affliction – we must be a nation of silent sufferers – takes me back to the Titan Uranus episodes way back in this log – in fact I use the stuff as a prophylactic rather than a remedy – it keeps the working parts meshing smoothly, so to speak, as I go about my daily tasks and helps to retain my sense of humour. Groan again.
From Chris P.:
Meant to mention earlier – my mooring neighbour recently surprised me with the gift of a 1971 ‘Australian Seacraft’ magazine with a road test(?) of a Brolga. Interesting. Cost was $22k then. Also seemed to have different rig as the mainsheet traveller was at the aft end of the cockpit. Maybe later versions were altered for handicap reasons. Not being a racer I know nothing about this stuff.
Hope to catch you in Hobart early Dec. If not, definitely after S2H. Maybe you could visit our new straw bale house (assuming we have moved in by then) at Kettering and sample some of my duty-free single malts and barbecue skills.
Re the small dissertation on Anusol - I was communing with the vitreous enamel this morning and idly glanced at my horoscope in the Age Weekend Magazine. It started – “”Problems with Uranus, I’m afraid””. How did they know that? Almost enough to make you believe.
Chris P, I’m right there with you…How could the bastards know?? But thanks everyone, for sharing your experiences and favourite remedies. I have them all in my little black book for future reference.
G’day to all the new Gusts and correspondents – again. I’m perilously close to my Sailmail connection limit, so won’t list you all, but thanks for your good wishes and for your comments on what we are doing. So many people out there dream about this – it’s uncanny. Martin, thanks for your thoughts re book – I’m still trying to work out how to do it. And Peter D, likewise. Paul R. is it ok if we post your calculation suggestion? Hope you enjoy your little drift and the mud bath.
Still pottering along waiting for the change. Cold overcast night, occasional moon and indeterminate stars in the gaps, long rolling swell, flat grey reflections, the poled out headies silhouetted as darker shapes hardening the gloom, their edges sometimes caught by the masthead light. Tiller lines squeaking – it’s so quiet I can hear them – and the water rustling past and gently stirring the barnacles. Ampair whirring away in spasmodic activity. It has a different note when it is charging from when just idling.
Compressed our garbage today into big plastic bag and then into supermarket tray. We’re doing well – there’s only a very small cube of it, now lashed on deck instead of festering in the lazarette.