0900hrs 14 Oct 2005 UTC 38’23”S 003’17”W Ref 440
DB 148, 6803. gps 150 55/55 HALf WAY on the Dec 11 sked. Wooohooo. And we’ve sailed at least 6520 miles by the GPS so close on distance too.
Small challenge, courtesy Paul Reid in a mudhole on Pulau Tiga:
I’ve noticed you have a penchant for meaningless calculations. The horizontal distance traveled is all well and good, but have you estimated your vertical distance traveled? i.e. the total of average wave height x frequency for each day, and how does your height travelled relate to the height above the earth of the ISS? Maybe another prize competition for the nearest estimate!!
(Sounds ok to me – any takers??)
(5/6 at Belmore South – can you find Pulau Tiga? You will need a really good atlas and then you can plot it on Google Earth, below)
And a toy for when Steve is up in the mountains and you aren’t getting these, also from Paul:
Something to look forward to when you two finally stop moving is a website called Google Earth. Good fun for armchair circumnavigators. It’s a 3D globe where you can pinpoint the exact location of Berrimilla (or anything else) by lat/long and scroll around, pan up and down, zoom in & out and do all sorts of wonderful things. You can fly down the Hoover Dam, or the Grand Canyon, I was able to plot and insert a pushpin at your position north of TdC (Top Dead Centre?) and pan down to the island in 3D to see ‘you’ come over the horizon. Oh and of course, major cities are visible in high definition. I can see my brother-in-laws car parked outside his house in Hong-Kong.
“Who’d sail in the tropics?”
Thanks Paul.