After the typical British train delays getting from Birmingham to London, I ran into the RORC with half an hour to get ready. The good news is, I can shower, dress and lightly paint my face fast and made it down to the bar with time to spare.
I joined Diane, the Commodore’s wife and a couple of other ladies in a cab from the club, in particular Anne, who was assigned to looked after me. She introduced me to a number of people but particularly John Burke, the out going Admiral who I was sitting with – lovely man. Laura was already at the table when I went into the dinning room and was getting to know the other guys on the table. I think she enjoyed the night.
After dinner the awards were handed out. Sorry I was so late calling, the awards went on longer than anticipated. As I mentioned Ellen MacCarthur wasn’t there. Nik’s award was the last given out, you were second last. The build up Janet gave you was just phenomenal. She basically explained the whole S2H, Fastnet S2H adventure, talked about the website and generally did you greater justice than I ever could. Then she introduced me with a bit of a build up as well, so I stuck by the advice I had been given to keep the speech short – particularly as the night was over running. I was specifically ask to tell everyone where you were so I opened with the 2,500 Miles to go and looking well on track to get home for S2H. I pointed out how impressed we all have been with the hospitality of the club and that I now you would have loved to have been with us. I can’t remember just how I said it but I think I spoke slowly and clearly and you got a standing ovation from much of the crowd
- well done.Feedback from many of the people I spoke with after dinner and back at the club, everyone is just so impressed with you guys. I think the website hits might go up a bit over the next few days.
Sorry about all of the sporadic phones calls, as a few people discovered I could call you they were keen to chat – particularly the guy who wants to do the S2H light handed. I spoke to Nick Lykiardopulo briefly at the door as I we were leaving and I gave him a bit of an update on your position and he passed on his regards.
I have a couple of photos on my digital camera which I will down load at work tomorrow and send them to Mal. They aren’t that good as the guy taking the photos for me didn’t realise he could zoom in, but I do have one of Laura and I with the trophy. I’m hoping Laura has better ones.
I have asked Laura to drop you an email with her view on the evening as well.
We left Drapers Hall about 12.30 and went back to the club. As I had a meeting all day today I was heading for bed but I got hijacked at the bar and was up until 4.00 this morning. By the time I got to bed I was starting to feel like a scrathed record telling the same story over and over but they are just such a wonderful crowd, I didn’t want to be rude and brush them off. Made for a long day today.
And my apology to Hilary, I had to explain to the people who obviously weren’t listening to my introduction that I am not your wife.
All in all, I had a wonderful night, meet lots of really fab people and have a ew contacts to go sailing. Thank you soooooo much for the opportunity, it was nice to be amongst sailors again and I was so honoured to represent you. I hope I did you guys proud.
I look forward to telling you all about it face to face some day.
In the news:
RORC awards honour to Berrimilla and 2004 Rolex Sydney Hobart overall winner Aera (