FROM 2-16. Hobart-Sydney

The coming home party - May 9th

May 9th seems to be the best compromise date for all the direct Berri hangers-on – but it’s also Mothers’ Day so a good excuse for a party. It will be at RANSA, the last building on the left as you go down New Beach Road from New South Head Road – go past CYC and D’Albora and you are there. There is all day and 2 hour parking in local streets but make sure you read the signs – the Rangers are ferocious ferals. Kick off at 1130 and we will wind it all up at 1800 at the latest. Berrimilla will be alongside with flags flying.

All of you silent blog followers, please come along if you are in range.  It would be great to meet you all. There will be medicinal compound, food and other goodies available.  Please bring something to drink if you are Very Very  thirsty.

A generous friend has offered to donate a spit roast so it would help a lot if we have a ballpark idea about numbers.

So: Please let me know via or alex1whit@gmailcom or on my mobile 0418243600 if you are likely to be there. You may not get fed if you don’t.

[The coming home party photos are here (Google+ photo album)]

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