FROM 2-8. Baffin Bay-Nuuk (Greenland)

A bit of perspective.

Carla, Leroy and all y’all in the south, I hope you are all ok and that Gustav fizzles. My appendages are firmly crossed for you guys this time.

I’ve just caught up with the website and especially Pat’s blogs.  Thanks mate for putting them up and adding some perspective to what we did and thanks especially for those kind words. I have to say that the respect is mutual – lovely to be given a rosette by someone with your knowledge and experience. Steffannson’s bite on adventure too! Yay! The photo is Pat, Megan and the biologist who we met who was counting salmon.

And to add a bit more perspective – I have already said that we were astoundingly lucky but it’s important to add that we also had a lot of help – Pat, Peter Semotiuk and Gary in particular. And we are in the leading division of boats that have had real-time information about the ice – exactly where it is and its consistency and coverage. Amazing stuff and we were able to take full advantage of it. All the people who have gone before in years past have had it much harder and have not known where to go or how to get out. Gary was in CB for 3 years – Amundsen spent 2 years in Gjoa Havn and almost no one has done it in a single season before satellite information became available. And then there is global warming – clear, obvious from the meteorology and the visible indications as the glaciers recede. We have indeed been lucky and, as Pat says, it would be a boring book without the people and the scenery..

But still an achievement and to be savoured. Now for the hard bit – the last 6 k of the marathon. If we ever  get to Falmouth, there may be a series of firsts we can claim – still need to do the research

Just had the most expensive beer in my life – AUD$17.50 for about ¾ of a pint – really nice beer but then it would have to be wouldn’t it?

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