0915hrs 19 Sep 2005 UTC 01’42”N 025’48”W Ref 373
DB 115, 10,167 GPS 115 but now highly suss because of all the crashes. Getting back up to speed, with a bit of luck, and we’re just about laying TrindadeTrindade and Martim Vaz is an archipelago located about 1,200 kilometers (740 mi) east of Vitória in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, belonging to Brazil. More in Wikipedia well cracked off. A little woohooo might be on the cards, I think. 102 to the Equator, so early tomoz perhaps. We will break out Dave’s RANSARoyal Australian Navy Sailing Association; a sailing club located in Sydney, Australia. rum, but I don’t think we’ll stop this time.
Have just had my breakfast consultationA regular engagement with alcohol. One might say this whole epic is a Consultation with a bit of a sail round it. See also Conservation Mode; Linear and Parallel Methods of Consultation in bed – noiceAlexism for quite a lot of things which taste good or are going especially well, and the CoolgardieCoolgardie Fridge: Improvised cooler using the heat transfer that occurs when water evaporates. Invented in Coolgardie in Western Australia. frudge works best overnight so it was roooly coool too. Will try to send this while propagationIn the logs, this refers to the radiation of signal energy and is customarily qualified by the words abysmal, ratshit or lousy window still open.