Alex on September 22, 2005, at 0915 UTC
0915hrs 22 Sep 2005 UTC 04’33”S 026’38”W Ref 381
DB: 121, 9786 (GPS 125) My propagationIn the logs, this refers to the radiation of signal energy and is customarily qualified by the words abysmal, ratshit or lousy window now ends at about 0900, resuming again if we’re lucky, at around 1700, so I think I will not get your next post till this evening. This may not go either.
We have been outrunning the sun on our way down the heffalump’s rump and we just beat it across ADC – aft dead centre, the equator – today is the equinox. We should continue to stay ahead of it down to the Tropic of Capricorn so the bus shelterExplanation here will start to get cooler – woohooa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
Woooohoooa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOHOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOHOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOHOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOHOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOa primitive, exultant, gibbon-like call given out by an old geezerDictionaries define a geezer as an old person, generally an eccentric old man. Its origin likely in the word masquerader (colloquially, guiser) from Middle English gysar. Go figure, as the Americans say.; many variations as listed, in order of emphasis:
WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!. The moon passed very satisfactorily to the north of us last night, Orion is turning on his head with dear old Betelgeuse heading towards the northern horizon. I saw the pointers, Rigil KentMajor pointer in Southern Cross with HadarMajor star pointer to Southern Cross with Rigil Kent and HadarMajor star pointer to Southern Cross with Rigil Kent, last night before the moon rose, but the Southern CrossDefining constellation in Southern hemisphere itself was down in the murk layer just above the horizon. Tonight perhaps. We are still going west, by a smidgin, and we won’t turn properly for home for about 10 days at least – it will depend on what develops down at 20+ south near TrindadeTrindade and Martim Vaz is an archipelago located about 1,200 kilometers (740 mi) east of Vitória in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, belonging to Brazil. More in Wikipedia.
I have just discovered that some of my emails are not getting through – please let me know if you didn’t get yours. Ho Hum. I think it may be to do with virus checkers not liking our sailmailSailmail is the system that Berrimilla uses for email communication. It is a non-profit association of yacht owners operating a network of private coast stations in the maritime Mobile Radio Service. address. For instance, nothing I have ever sent to RORCRoyal Ocean Racing Club, located in London has got there and I’ve been wondering almost since NZ what we might have done to offend them.
And on RORCRoyal Ocean Racing Club, located in London, I think our best imitation of Uriah Heep might be in order – we are deeply happreciative of the great ‘onour bestowed hupon us and werry ‘umble. Two old geezers in a battered old boat should BE so lucky! And once again we will be late for the party. Must do better.