May 16, 2005 - 2230hrs UTC
By Alex on May 16, 2005, at 2230 UTC
2230hrs 16 May 2005 UTC 25’29”N 035’07”W Map Ref 224 5412nm (2028nm to Falmouth)
full o’cast – high, hazy thin cloud, some lower cu and pale half moon glowing thro directly o’head. #3 and full main – really needs #2 – and mkng – 5 kts )) azores. getting met area 2 egc wxShort for ‘weather’ from satcomc so not completely blind. tomoz, will unpack nav qberth again and try to get to 5 amp fuse in radio. cant think what else could be.
satcom seems to be working after frust’ing times earlier. if i had any hair… mal sending ferociously summarised mailcalls to keep cost down. boot feralsInteresting biological colonies that grow and fester in seaboots. There are left foot ferals and right foot ferals and occasionally they get to cross breed and create fierce hybrids.Interesting biological colonies that grow and fester in seaboots. There are left foot feralsInteresting biological colonies that grow and fester in seaboots. There are left foot ferals and right foot ferals and occasionally they get to cross breed and create fierce hybrids. and right foot feralsInteresting biological colonies that grow and fester in seaboots. There are left foot ferals and right foot ferals and occasionally they get to cross breed and create fierce hybrids. and occasionally they get to cross breed and create fierce hybrids. laughing again as weather cools – water temp now 23.
almost abeam canaries – uk, spain, gib, nw africa + newfndld all on nav screen. exciting.