0900hrs 12 Oct 2005 UTC 37’12”S 008’34”W Ref 434
DB:99, 7108, gps 105 – much as expected. Its getting quite cold – to labour the joke just once, VOAI mega-squeezy.
From Peter D., Australia:
You will no doubt pass within a day or two’s sail from Isle Amsterdam,and Isle St Paul, in about a month’s time. Amsterdam used to have a French research station (may still have) on its shores. I understand St Paul is uninhabited. St Paul is like a semi submerged volcano, and I understand on a quiet day a boat can enter the lagoon (sorry – no more detail).
However within the last 5 or six years, 4 years ago approximately, the Royal Australian Air Force were involved in a rescue mission for some persons shipwrecked on St Paul. Perhaps not as interesting as Tristan, as no permanent inhabitants. It was surprising to me that our area of responsibility extended so far from our shores. Oh yes, I remember now – the Hercules I think it was, had to fly to St Paul, have a look, but then go to the closest refuelling point – South Africa, then come back and have a further search. I am interested in that outcome so have logged to call RAAF tomorrow – their history section and see if I can find out more – shall let you know if there is any outcome.
Malcom – found the islands at 7730E – almost exactly half way across – any chance you could do the research for us – would be nice to talk to them? Callsign and frequency and time if poss – ship and shore stn.
Pete not a closet metho freak – we found a hidden stash so we’ll survive. Much relief – shows the problems of stowage in a small boat and then remembering later.
Will send and do another later – fingers too cold for more.