Topic: Leroy Chiao
By Alex on March 18, 2005, at 1730 UTC
Topic(s): Leroy Chiao, Space station (ISS)
Well, says he, overdoing the understatement, we have just spent half an hour talking to Dr LeroyLeroy ChiaoLeroy Chiao: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here.: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here. Chiao, Commander of the International Space Station. A very low tech slow speed operation in the charge of a couple of grizzled and smelly veterans down here linked by similarities on the human scale … Continue reading
By Alex on March 31, 2005, at 1230 UTC
Topic(s): Leroy Chiao, Space station (ISS)
LeroyLeroy ChiaoLeroy Chiao: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here.: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here. Chiao called us from the ISSInternational Space Station around midnight to say he could see a light but as we didn’t have ours on, it can’t have been us. We sent him a white flare anyway but I think he was way past by then. … Continue reading
By Alex on April 2, 2005, at 1800 UTC
Topic(s): Leroy Chiao
1800hrs 02 Apr 2005 UTC 40’40”S 047’24”W Map Ref 142 857nm (2675nm to Equator)
Small speculative update as we sit and wait for the messy bits of the next storm to get to us.
I’ve been involved for a lot of my life with people who do clever and … Continue reading
By Alex on April 4, 2005, at 0345 UTC
Topic(s): Leroy Chiao, Space station (ISS)
0345hrs 04 Apr 2005 UTC Map Ref 145
We spoke to LeroyLeroy ChiaoLeroy Chiao: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here.: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here. [ed: Commander of the International Space Station – … Continue reading
By Alex on April 5, 2005, at 1230 UTC
Topic(s): Leroy Chiao
1230hrs 05 Apr 2005 UTC Map Ref 149
The last one, about mental plots, was a bit of a disaster – I was very tired and should have kept it till later for a re-read instead of sending it. I think what I was getting at is really two ideas: … Continue reading
By Alex on April 15, 2005, at 1130 UTC
Topic(s): Flying Fish, Leroy Chiao, Space station (ISS)
1130hrs 15 Apr 2005 UTC Map Ref 167
And still here, in a very uncomfortable headbutt into a 30kt North easter which is due to blow for at least two more days. Very frustrating. The tradesBands of NW and SW winds either side of the equator that blow with more … Continue reading
By Alex on May 1, 2005, at 2345 UTC
Topic(s): Leroy Chiao, Shipping
2345hrs 01 May 2005 UTC Map Ref 195
Well, we had a good run but the wind has now dropped and is still dropping so we won’t make the equator tomorrow, and maybe not Tuesday either.
A big ship appeared astern this morning – called them, no answer, … Continue reading
By Alex on June 20, 2005, at 0800 UTC
Topic(s): Leroy Chiao, Repairs
My apologies – it’s been a very long time. We have been very busy with the smaller Berri fixes while we await the arrival of the electronics whizz tomorrow, We are also expecting a journalist from Yachting MonthlyMagazine published in the UK and another from Yachting WorldMagazine published in the … Continue reading
By Alex on October 5, 2005, at 2100 UTC
Topic(s): Leroy Chiao, Space station (ISS)
Two Old Farts and a Spaceman… The Berrimilla shirt signed by Dr LeroyLeroy ChiaoLeroy Chiao: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here.: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here. Chiao, the Commander of the NASA ISSInternational Space Station 10 Mission, and Pete and me will be auctioned on Lord Howe Island after the Lord Howe Race at the end of this month. The proceeds will be treated as a tax deductible donation to … Continue reading