Topic: Navigation
By Alex and Peter on February 19, 2005, at 2215 UTC
Topic(s): Navigation, Supplies & Storage, Tea making & drinking
What a dreadful night, punctuated by a series of little tragedies all related to the loss of precious liquids. The front duly arrived, as usual at dinner time and, again as usual, the gribWeather files.
Graphics in Binary file: GRIB files associate a specific weather datum (eg wind velocity or atmospheric pressure) with a geographic position. Because the resulting file is a collection of these points they are extremely small and so ideal over slow links such as sailmail. had the wind direction pretty much spot on but once again as usual, underestimated the strength by 100% so instead of 20 gusting 25, we get 40 going on 50. Two sail changes during the night as it increased, each requiring one of us to surface from warm bunk and dreams of Ingrid (was that her name, Kees?) and go through the Mr Bean routine and get wet and cold as well. … Continue reading
By Alex on March 7, 2005, at 2135 UTC
Topic(s): Brolga Owners Group, Navigation, Washing & Toilet
Sitrep: 2135hrs 07 Mar 2005 UTC 54’21”S 080’59”W Map Ref 105
Less than 500 to go. About 37.5 k for the runners. Brain closing down, pain out to the ends of every eyelash, anticipation and still the fear that something will fail, anything that breaks the rhythm potentially devastating – … Continue reading
By Alex on April 4, 2005, at 2300 UTC
Topic(s): Navigation, Space station (ISS)
More idle nonsense. How many of you set off on a journey to somewhere new knowing exactly how to get there? Say from Randwick to Liverpool (in Sydney, for our foreign guest…) or from Chatswood to BurrumbuttockIt’s a small rural town in NSW, 30 kms north of Albury. Their school has had a significant involvement in the protection of Australia’s native Squirrel Glider.
? (Look it up…) I was thinking about mud maps – mental plots – when I was describing our track for NASA to pass on to LeroyLeroy ChiaoLeroy Chiao: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here.: International Space Station Commander, Expedition 10, at time Berrimilla first made contact. Bio here.. He’s an astronaut and a pilot and it’s really very easy to do – we’re tracking parallel to the South American coast about five hundred miles out at about 5 knots, starting from Stanley on Saturday at noon. … Continue reading
By Alex on August 31, 2005, at 0845 UTC
Topic(s): Food, Navigation, Supplies & Storage
0845hrs 31 Aug 2005 UTC 31’59”N 018’22”W Ref 323
DB: 24hr:127, total 1290/1320 sched = -30 so we’re getting back into it. In deep mourning for friendly little phone and the big chunk of my life’s database that went with it. Bereft, I am. And stupid. It will be sitting … Continue reading
By Alex and Peter on September 21, 2005, at 1015 UTC
Topic(s): Belmore school, Meals, Navigation, Pirates, Sharks, Stars
DB 125, 9,907 (GPS 135). Truckin’ along reasonably well, touch wood, hold me breff till me eyes pop and waltzing matilda. I think we have hooked into the Brazil current too, which is nice. A bit short of sailmailSailmail is the system that Berrimilla uses for email communication. It is a non-profit association of yacht owners operating a network of private coast stations in the maritime Mobile Radio Service. connection time because of all the BelmoreSydney School corresponding with Berri SouthSydney School corresponding with Berri answers, so this will be short. … Continue reading
By Alex on November 26, 2005, at 0315 UTC
Topic(s): Navigation
0315hrs 26 Nov 2005 UTC 46’17”S 097’28”E Ref 587
just to give you the feel of things, i’ve just received this from weather perth via satcom egc:
gale warning for the western area
please be aware, wind gustsShort increases in wind speed – or people who signed the Gust BookThe Guest Book on the Berri site, so named to prevent spammers finding it to offer, or request unusual services and medications. The Gust book is here.. … Continue reading
By Berrimilla on May 21, 2008, at 0901 UTC
Topic(s): Navigation
dtdDistance to Dutch (Harbour) 1568 so dmgDistance Made Good; More here -1 No comment!
In the black glooms last night, thinking that pearshapedness threatened and plug pulling was on the cards, I thought about CookBritish explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy. He made 3 voyages to the … Continue reading