FROM 2-13. Equator-Cape Town


Compare bottom left and bottom right positions to understand Alex and
Pete's frustration.

Posted by I & G in the UK.

2 comments on “Frustration!

  1. Norman on said:

    Hi I&G;,I think perhaps you may have pinned Alex's 200911291900 position at 3152S 0463E, not 0643E. By the numbers he's had some easterly progress since 200911290700, despite sacrificing some southerly latitude. It's not so bad if the quoted coords are correct and plotted. Mind you, I'm not a navigator, but a lowly engineer, so you can tell me I'm another SOF and to get back to the boilers. I won't be offended. Or am I in need of a Murphy?Cheers,Norm in Oz.

  2. Norman on said:

    I am indeed a SOF. I meant perhaps you pinned 3135S 0463E , not 3152S 0463E.Where's that Murphy?!Norm in Oz.