Jul 21, 2005 - 1300hrs UTC │Lymington
By Alex on July 21, 2005, at 1300 UTC
1300hrs 21 Jul 2005 UTC Lymington
Things may be looking up – Icom UK have agreed to swap out the PCB in their only demo M802 HFHigh Frequency – usually refers to HF radio which is long range digital radio that Berrimilla used to send all but a few of the logs on both circumnavigations. The radio was connected via a Pactor 3 digital modem to Alex’s laptop and used the Sailmail software application called Airmail to send emails and pull in emails, weather and GRIB files. Airmail also supports Iridium satellite telephone messaging and Alex used this as backup when the HF radio died approaching England. and put it in ours – should be happening as I write and should be back here tomoz and installed.
Slight drop in tension! But won’t go away until it’s in and sending emails again. Then we can Consult properly. The DoctorGuinness comes in two forms here – cold or ordinary. A pint of ordinary is a good medicinal consultationA regular engagement with alcohol. One might say this whole epic is a Consultation with a bit of a sail round it. See also Conservation Mode; Linear and Parallel Methods of Consultation.