1815hrs 01 Jun 2005 UTC Map Ref 270
148 to go and it’s a lottery. the wind is softening and i don’t have a forecast. my feeling is that we’ll get in around midnight tomorrow but it ain’t necessarily so. we’ve finished the gin, so there’s some incentive to get there. only one ship so far. pristine ransa burgee flying – thanks ransa, and j m-b, your ensign too as the courtesy flag under the q. will get it back to you in due course, or a new one if you’d rather. to everyone at ransa, thanks for coming along for the ride – we sail virtual races with y’all every saturday – and if there’s anyone over here – dave – come and find us – my oz mobie will be switched to messagebank as soon as i get my local sim and i’ll collect oz messages from it a couple of times each day.
updates will be a bit more domestic for a few weeks but we will keep them coming. wait till you see the to-do list. chances are we will stay in fmth for all june then go to lymington.
peter bruce tells me that yesterday’s big whale was a finwhale, 2nd biggest in the world. coool. no attempts to identify the smaller ones yet.
hang in there with us – it’ll be a long 24 hours.