June 02, 2005 – 1730hrs UTC
By Alex on June 2, 2005, at 1730 UTC
1730hrs 02 Jun 2005 UTC Map Ref 277
this isengland- balmy sunny evening after the front this afternoon. we’re about to pass the lizardThe most southerly point of the British mainland. into a 1+ knot-- Speed: definition of speed at sea. One knot is one nautical mile per hour. The nautical mile is about 1.15 % longer than the "statute" mile used on land. A knot is about half a metre per second.
-- A knot is also the result of winding a rope around itself or another rope to make a join or a loop .
tide so etaEstimated Time of Arrival fmth entrance 2015. then about 15 – 20 minutes to get in. will call mal about half an hour out so as not to wake him too early. ozmobile operational – +61418243600.