0900hrs 20 May 2005 UTC
eta comp ends @ 35n. sugst ay’a amend pred’ns to exact time we pass br’wtr fmth. june 4@ 1200 still my bet, may b pesmstc. just recd safet msg re derelct 8-10tmtr s/v 60 nm to n. not enough wind to go look. all v soft – hi just to n weakng hope for sw front soon – xpctd 23rd may b 2 far away 2 help..
jeanne pse send dym. address in fmth
ben tks 4 fedbak.
[ed: Based on Alex’s comment about the ETA competition, I’ve taken an executive decision and have opened up a second part of the competition. There will now also be a prize for the person who first guesses the closest time (irrespective of date) to the time they pass the breakwater at Falmouth. Times will be assumed to be UTC unless you specify otherwise. So send your guesses to falmoutheta@berrimilla.com.]