In the log of September 21, 2005, and May 8, 2008, Alex and Corie answered these questions
- Have you had troubles with sharks?
- Have you seen any sharks yet?
- No, we haven’t seen a shark anywhere. Lots of dolphins, some whales, turtles, flying fish and bluebottles (Portugese Men O’War) but no sharks. Even if there were any, we are not planning to get into the water with them, so no problem!
- Alex: Sorry to disappoint you but I’ve never ever seen a shark from the boat – at least nothing that I could definitely say was a shark. Sharks (except basking sharks, perhaps) don’t usually swim on the surface – they chase other fish for food, deeper down. But I don’t really know enough about them to say any more. We have seen lots of dolphins – hundreds – and there are lots of different types of dolphin. Also three huge fin whales – second largest animal on earth – near the Australian coast. And th greenish gold fish I described a few blogs ago.
Corie: No Sharks, as A says. I have only ever seen one shark at sea, near the cost of Japan on a drizzly, grey day. And I saw a basking shark in a bay in Scotand once, it seemed to be nearly as long as the boat I was on (36foot) but I was quite little!!!