One of those special days! Jim Love and his family trekked over the mountains to visit – Jim has a Bobbles clone which he’s modifying like Bobbles so lots of excited comparisons and a new friendship. He was a submariner, so a brave man! He’s the little guy in the photos And Sue and Jim Corenman too. They run the wonderful Sailmail network that made so much possible for our Berrimilla 2 circumnavigations. I’ve been in touch with them since 2005, sometimes when things got a bit pearshaped and I needed more than just my towel and it was a special moment when I finally got to meet them. Sailmail is the only software I can remember that has been completely reliable first time and I love it. Sadly, no HF radio in Bobbles but we can still use Sailmail via Iridium if we run out of other options. And it begins – tomorrow we move down to the Maritime centre for safety checks and some sort of party and I need to find my towel…