Alphabetic listing of places, words, phrases and acronyms with their definitions, carefully and skilfully crafted by Alex’s sister, Isabella. Crib for the underlying themes and jokes.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Sailmail - Sailmail is the system that Berrimilla uses for email communication. It is a non-profit association of yacht owners operating a network of private coast stations in the maritime Mobile Radio Service.
Sando - Australian sandwich
Sarah - Pete Crozier's daughter
Sarau - Yacht with which Berri had a rendezvous at sea
Satcom C - Satcom: A worldwide communication system using the INMARSAT satellite network and allowing transfer of text and data (not voice) using compact and relatively cheap equipment
schooshling - The sound the sea makes as it slides past the boat hull when you're going really fast (Kimbra-ism)
Scilly Islands - An archipelago off the southwestern tip of the Cornish peninsula of Great Britain.
Scupper Me Dingbats - One of many possible ways to express considerable surprise.
Scuppers - Holes cut in the rail along the outer edge of the deck to let water run out
Shiiit - Extended shit...
Shilland - Shilland, Brian: much-lauded sailmaker for Berri
Sked - Short for schedule. A pre-arranged (scheduled) time and frequency for radio contact often co-ordinated by a shore station, such as Penta Comstat, which is monitoring location and safety of boats in their area. Failure to respond to one or more sked can be a sign of trouble
Slarty - Megrathean planet designer from HHGTTG whose favourite job was doing “the wrinkly bits in fjords”; He carved his face on the big rock above Baie de L’Oiseau in the Kerguelens.
Slocum - Slocum, Joshua: Nova Scotia-born sailor who departed Boston in 1895 aged 51, to sail around the world alone in his sloop Spray. He returned, successful, in 1898. He is a kind of patron saint of small boat voyagers and navigators and inspiration to many who have followed him; see this log.
SOB - Software on Board, from Digitboat – navigation software used by Alex for both circumnavigations.
South East Cape - The southernmost point of the main island of Tasmania
Southern Cross - Defining constellation in Southern hemisphere
Spectra - Spectra™ : - a highly modified polyethylene fibre with many applications such as ropes and sails
Speight’s Distinction Ale - A Kiwi medication prescribed in Dunedin, NZ
Spreader Lights - Lights mounted half way up the mast which shine onto the foredeck to facilitate work at night below; good for the person doing the work but can ruin night vision in the cockpit, so only used when essential
StaLoks - A method of joining rigging wire to the stainless steel turnbuckles which then attach the rigging to the hull and can be used to tighten it as it stretches.
Stanchion - Upright support on the edge of the deck to carry lines or a safety rail
Storm jib - A very small jib, usually made from bright orange material, used in storm conditions.
Swannies - The Sydney Swans Football Club who won the Grand Final of the AFL on September 24th 2005
Sydney-Hobart - Sydney-Hobart Race: often described as the most gruelling ocean race in the world, this annual race starts on 26th December from Sydney Harbour and ends in Hobart. The course is 628 nautical miles.
Sydney-Rio race - A race from Sydney to Rio around Cape Horn. Sailed only once, in 1981. Alex was in Jacqui, one of the 4 boats that entered. They had to retire with broken steering gear in the Tasman Sea. See Tommy.