Glossary: A Hitchhikers Guide to Berriland

Alphabetic listing of places, words, phrases and acronyms with their definitions, carefully and skilfully crafted by Alex’s sister, Isabella. Crib for the underlying themes and jokes.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Bare poling - Explanation here
Barn Door - Metaphor for whatever we were aiming at. Derived from the saying “Couldn’t hit a barn door at five paces” used to describe anyone who can’t shoot straight.
Barnacles - Explanation here (Wikipedia)
Barrow - Point Barrow or Nuvuk is a headland on the Arctic coast in the U.S. state of Alaska. It is the northernmost point of all the territory of the United States. More on wikipedia
Bartolomeu Dias - Portuguese explorer. He sailed around the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488, the first European known to have done so. More on wikipedia.
Beanie - Knitted hat
Beaufort Scale - The first effective scale to estimate wind speeds and their effects. Created by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort (1774-1857). The scale starts with 0 and goes to a high force of 12
Beaulieu River - River on south coast of England where Alex grew up
Beechey - Beechey Island is an island located in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago of Nunavut, Canada. More on wikipedia
Beep - A short story by James Blish
Bellerive Yacht Club - At Hobart; they very kindly allowed us jetty space to get ourselves organised after the 2004 Sydney-Hobart Race and we departed from Bellerive for C1 on Jan 10 2005.
Belmore South - Sydney School corresponding with Berri
Belugas - These small whales are superficially more like oversize, white, friendly dolphins.
Bikini - Bikini is an atoll in the Micronesian Islands of the Pacific Ocean, part of Republic of the Marshall Islands. More on wikipedia.
Bligh - William Bligh – Sailed with Cook and later given command of HMS Bounty. Most famous for his 1200 mile open boat voyage after his crew mutinied.
Blow The Wind Southerly - English folk song made famous by Kathleen Ferrier and much played at Alex’s home.
Blue Screen of Death - What happens when the computer crashes
BOG - Brolga Owners Group
Boggers - Brolga Owners
Boggers Bash - Celebratory gathering of Brolga Owners
Boot Ferals - Interesting biological colonies that grow and fester in seaboots. There are left foot ferals and right foot ferals and occasionally they get to cross breed and create fierce hybrids.
Brisvegas - The city of Brisbane, Australia
Brittany - NASA scientist co-ordinating Berri - ISS communications. And, separately, part of France
Brolga - Berrimilla is a Brolga 33 designed by Peter Joubert. For specs, see here
Burrumbuttock - It’s a small rural town in NSW, 30 kms north of Albury. Their school has had a significant involvement in the protection of Australia’s native Squirrel Glider.
Bus shelter - Explanation here